Thank you for considering a gift to Archives & Special Collections. All contributions we receive – whether financial or of historic materials – support our efforts to preserving the rich legacy of Colorado’s land-grant institution.
Donate Your Collections
If you have materials significant to the history and development of Colorado agriculture, Colorado water, or CSU history, we’d love to talk to you!
Decisions about the acceptance of materials are based on criteria such as whether they align with our collecting areas, complement other collections, have regional significance or relate to the history of Colorado State University, have scholarly value, and will be used by future researchers.
Make a Financial Gift
Preparing materials for use by researchers is the most expensive operation in a repository. Monetary gifts help ensure access to these important collections as quickly as possible through arrangement, description, and preservation activities. In such instances, Archives & Special collections can help provide cost estimates. Acquisition decisions may be informed by the availability of sufficiently donated funds to ensure the collection’s preservation and access.
Our staff and collections empower research and creative brilliance at Colorado State University. Learners and researchers benefit immeasurably when they can partner with expert librarians and archivists to explore distinctive materials to enhance their work.
Archives & Special Collections
Morgan Library, Suite 202
(970) 491-1844
Reading Room Hours
Mark Shelstad
Head of Digital and Archive Services
(970) 491-2820