Reading Room Guidelines
When you first visit Colorado State University Archives & Special Collections, you will be asked to complete a registration form and read through these guidelines.
- Store personal belongings in lockers.
- Request needed materials from a staff person. Researcher access to stacks areas is not allowed.
- Keep materials in the order in which you find them. Follow directions for handling provided by staff.
- Remain reasonably quiet to avoid distracting others.
- Do not take phone calls in the reading room.
- Ask a staff person for assistance if you would like to request photocopies or digital scans.
- Notify a staff member when your visit ends. Archives & Special Collections staff reserve the right to inspect all research materials and personal articles before a researcher leaves the reading room.
Allowed in Reading Room:
- Pencils
- Paper for taking notes
- Laptop/tablet
- Digital camera (no flash)
- Cell phone (no flash)
Not allowed in Reading Room:
- Pens, markers, or ink of any kind
- Food, drink, candy (including chewing gum), and tobacco products
Camera Use
Researchers are invited to use their personal digital cameras/cell phone cameras to photograph collection materials in the reading room. Personal scanners, tripods, and flash may not be used. Photographs and digital images can only be used for personal reference and research purposes. Please read our copyright and use information.
Archives & Special Collections
Morgan Library, Suite 202
(970) 491-1844
Reading Room Hours
Mark Shelstad
Head of Digital and Archive Services
(970) 491-2820