Library Cards
Colorado State University students’ RamCard is their official library card and can be used to checkout books, devices, and more.
Faculty & Staff
Faculty and staff also use their RamCard to checkout items from the library.
Faculty and staff can authorize another person to checkout materials to their account. Visit the Faculty/Staff Authorization page for instructions on how to request authorizations.
Community Patrons
Community patrons can apply for a library card at the Library Services desk in Morgan Library. Minors 11 and older can apply for a library card with a parent/guardian co-signature. Community patrons must be residents of Colorado and provide proof with a current State Driver’s License or State ID Card. Cards are non-transferable and must be renewed every year.
CSU Alumni
CSU Alumni can apply for a card at the Library Services desk in Morgan Library. Privileges will be the same as those for community borrowers. Cards are non-transferable and must be renewed every year.
Visiting/Affiliate Faculty/Scholars
Library privileges may be granted to visiting scholars and other university affiliates. Visit the Affiliates page for more information.
Retired/Emeriti Employees
Emeriti faculty retain the same full privileges they had as active faculty: 6 month borrowing, ILL and Prospector Services, and remote access to online resources. Retired employees are automatically granted a library account, which is accessed using the retiree’s CSU NetID and University ID number.
Other University/College Affiliates
Library privileges may be granted to those from another university or college upon presentation of a current ID from that college/university. See the Library Services desk for additional information.
Conference Borrowers
Summer conference attendees may request temporary access to CSU Library services. Contact the Library Services desk for more information.
Poudre River Public Library District Card
CSU students, faculty, and staff can use their RamCard as a PRPLD public library card by opting-in to a joint program offered by CSU and PRPLD.