Takedown Policy

Content submission to Mountain Scholar is permanent. Theses and dissertations have been approved for deposit by the Graduate School and cannot be changed, withdrawn, or embargoed after deposit.
Under certain circumstances other items may be removed from view (e.g., due to a violation of the submission agreement). To preserve the historical record, all such transactions will be traced and visible via a provenance statement. The content of the note should be one of the following:
- “Removed from view by legal order.”
- “Removed from view by Colorado State University Libraries.”
- “Removed from view at request of the author.”
The tombstone metadata for the work/creation will still be visible to those who already have its persistent URL, but neither the work/creation or its metadata will be searchable or available for harvesting by services such as Google.
(Revised August 2023)
For more information, contact:
Helen Baer
Digital Projects Librarian
(970) 491-5934
Email: Helen.Baer@colostate.edu