Submission Agreement

The following is a copy of the submission agreement found in the submission process:
There is one last step: In order for Mountain Scholar to reproduce, translate and distribute your
submission worldwide, you must agree to the following terms.
Grant the standard distribution license by selecting ‘I Grant the Agreement’; and then click ‘Complete Submission’.
“I hereby grant to The Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System acting by and through Colorado State University (hereafter, Colorado State University) ownership of a single copy of my work (hereafter, the ‘Work’).
This agreement does not represent a transfer of copyright in the Work to Colorado State University, but does transfer ownership of a single copy of the Work to the Colorado State University. Colorado State University’s rights in the Work will be non-exclusive, perpetual and royalty-free.
I represent and warrant to the Colorado State University that the Work is my original work, or that I am authorized by the copyright holder(s) to submit the Work to the repository. I also represent that the Work does not, to the best of my knowledge, infringe or violate any rights of others.
I further represent and warrant that I have obtained all necessary rights to permit Colorado State University to reproduce and distribute the Work, and that any third-party owned content is clearly identified and acknowledged within the Work.”
If you have questions regarding this license please contact the system administrators.
Submission Agreement:

I Grant the Agreement
(Revised May 2019)
For more information, contact:
Helen Baer
Digital Projects Librarian
(970) 491-5934