Frank Aragon

IT Professional

Lisa Arévalos

Library Services Desk Assistant

headshot of Robert Ayala

Robert Ayala

Manager of Library Space and User Experience

headshot of Alyssa Baechle

Alyssa Baechle

Junior Human Resources Partner

headshot of Helen Baer

Helen Baer

Digital Projects Librarian

Rosemarie Bailey

Serials and Government Documents Management

Amy Ball Wicklund

Developer and Systems Administrator

Trista Barker

Digital and Archives Specialist

Jocelyn Boice

Collection Strategies and Data Analysis Librarian

headshot of Jimena Bretón

Jimena Bretón

Student Success and Inclusion Librarian

headshot of Meg Brown-Sica

Meg Brown-Sica

Associate Dean, Research Support & Engagement

headshot of Dan Carver

Dan Carver

Technical Manager at the Geospatial Centroid

headshot of Dax Collazo

Dax Collazo

Digital Content Specialist

Alicia Conrardy

Digital Repository Specialist

headshot of Jessie Council

Jessie Council

Collection Strategies Budget and Assessment Coordinator

headshot of Maggie Cummings

Maggie Cummings

Internal Resource Sharing Coordinator

Laura DeLancey

Associate Dean, Collections & Discovery

Will Dickerson

Head of Access Services

headshot of Tom Diehl

Tom Diehl

Desktop Support Administrator

headshot of Matthew Diven

Matthew Diven

External Resource Sharing Coordinator

David Domenico

David Domenico

E-resource and acquisitions specialist

headshot of Ali Eccleston

Ali Eccleston

Managing Director of Development

Diane Ellsworth

Diane Ellsworth

Monograph Acquisitions

Karen Estlund with her arm around a large black and brown dog

Karen Estlund

Dean of Libraries

headshot of Anna Ferri

Anna Ferri

Evidence Synthesis Librarian

Headshot of Sheena Freve

Sheena Frève

Finance Business Manager

headshot of Hayley Gillen

Hayley Gillen

E-Resources Access Specialist

Aaron Greene

Assistant Manager, Library Collections & User Experience

headshot of Robin Hennig

Robin Hennig

Business Finance Administrator

Ed Hill

Developer and Systems Administrator

headshot of Amy Hoseth

Amy Hoseth

Associate Dean, User Services & Assessment

Peggy Howard

Library Space and User Experience Technician

headshot of Monica Latham

Monica Latham

Peer Mentor & Student Success Librarian

Stephanie Laurent Tracy

Human Resources Manager

headshot of Sophia Linn

Sophia Linn

Head, Geospatial Centroid

headshot of Vicky Lopez-Terrill

Vicky Lopez-Terrill

Librarian, Archives and Special Collections

headshot of Sheri McCaskill

Sheri McCaskill

Veterinary Library Technician

headshot of Linda Meyer

Linda Meyer

Archivist for agriculture and natural resource collections

headshot of Silvia Minguzzi

Silvia Minguzzi

Graphic Design & Exhibits Coordinator

headshot of Heather Moon

Heather Moon

Student Success Librarian

headshot of Caitlin Mothes

Caitlin Mothes

Geospatial Centroid Research and Program Coordinator

headshot of Kristy Nowak

Kristy Nowak

First-Year Experience and Student Success Librarian

headshot of Lori Oling

Lori Oling

Undergrad Student Experience Librarian

headshot of Christine Pawliuk

Christine Pawliuk

Entrepreneurship & Community Engagement Librarian

headshot of Oscar Raab

Oscar Raab

Applications and Product Manager

headshot of Rachelle Ramer

Rachelle Ramer

Research & Scholarship Librarian for the Sciences

Patty Rettig

Archivist for water collections

Joshua Reyling

Geospatial Help Desk Lead

Barbara Risheill

Manager - Library Services Desk

headshot of Janet Rombach

Janet Rombach

Resource Fulfillment Specialist

Kristina Ronne

Print & Electronic Resources Assistant

headshot of Thea Rounsaville

Thea Rounsaville

Associate Director of Development

Donna Schmid

Cataloging Assistant

Ann Schwalm

Archives & Special Collections and Preservation

headshot of Mary Seaman

Mary Seaman

Libraries Support Specialist

Headshot of Mara Sedlins, femme-presenting white person, smiling, with medium-length red hair, purple cat-eye glasses, and an orange knit sweater.

Mara Sedlins

Data Management Specialist

headshot of Coral, a smiling white person with short hair

Coral Sheldon-Hess

Developer and Systems Administrator

headshot of Mark Shelstad

Mark Shelstad

Head of Digital and Archive Services

Rob Sica

Research & Scholarship Librarian for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Theresa Spangler

Digital Reserves Coordinator

headshot of Heidi Splittgerber

Heidi Splittgerber

Collection Strategies and Licensing Librarian

headshot of Khaleedah Thomas

Khaleedah Thomas

Copyright & Scholarly Communications Librarian

Photo of Richard Todd

Richard Todd

Metadata Management Librarian

headshot of Clarissa Trapp

Clarissa Trapp

Instruction & Outreach Archivist

Headshot of Suzi White, a woman with short brown hair and glasses wearing a mallard green blazer.

Suzi White

Director of Library Technology Services

Headshot of Scott Wiebensohn, half-time librarian, half-time facilitator, livestock judge on the weekends.

Scott Wiebensohn

Access Services Librarian

Audrey Wilcox

Audrey Wilcox

E-Resources Access Specialist

Michelle Wilde

Head of Research Support & Open Scholarship

Lani Williams

Assistant to the Dean of Libraries

headshot of Kevin Worthington

Kevin Worthington

Geospatial Data Manager

Ashley Young

Collection Strategy and Open Access Librarian

headshot of Yongli Zhou

Yongli Zhou

Digital Repository Librarian

Don Zimmerman

Professor, Behavior and Community Health

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