Open Scholarship

Why the CSU Libraries supports open research and scholarship

We believe information and knowledge should be free and publicly available. That’s why the CSU Libraries supports open research and scholarship. As an academic library, we focus our support of openness in three areas: open access publishing, open data, and open educational resources.

Federal and Funder Requirements for Openness

Open scholarship is gaining momentum as funders, journals, and research communities increasingly advocate for its adoption.

According to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (PDF),  freely accessible research helps ensure scientific discoveries are widely available so communities can use that knowledge to improve lives, make informed policies and decisions, and create equitable outcomes in society. In cooperation with CSU’s Office of the Vice President for Research, the librarians help researchers navigate new requirements and practices.

Open Publishing

CSU authors can publish their research open access at low or no cost, through agreements with certain publishers.

Open Data

Publish your research data in Dryad, or get help finding a disciplinary data repository to comply with open data mandates.

Open Educational Resources

Use open textbooks in your classroom to make learning affordable for students and improve their learning outcomes.

Resources for Open Research

More steps CSU authors can take toward equitable, open access research: