Fines and Fees
Overdue Items and Library Fine Policy
Patrons are responsible for returning or renewing items by their due date in order to avoid fees. To see due dates and items which can be renewed, log in to your library account or call the Library Services desk at (970) 491-1841 for assistance.
Book Policies
If a book is overdue by more than 45 days, patrons will be charged $25 per item.
Resource sharing items borrowed through Prospector and ILL are subject to different loan and fine policies. For more information regarding your ILL and/or Prospector Loan, please contact Resource Sharing (ILL) at, or call 970-491-1868.
If a book is recalled and becomes overdue, the patron’s borrowing privileges will be blocked until the overdue recalled book is returned.
Circulating Technology Policies
An overdue circulating technology item will be accepted for return within the first 60 days after the due date for refund consideration of replacement cost; overdue fees still apply. After 60 days, the library will not accept overdue technology items and will not issue refunds for the replacement cost.
Overdue technology is charged $5 for the first hour and $2.50 for every hour after, up to a maximum charge of $25, after the time due. After 10 days overdue the device is subject to replacement costs.
Paying Fines
All payments of fines or bills must be through the University Cashier’s Office. If you have questions about library billing, please contact CSU Libraries at
Failure to pay amounts due may result in the referral of the outstanding balance to a third-party collection agency, at which time a collection fee will be assessed and due in full at the time of the referral. The collection fee will be calculated at the maximum amount permitted by applicable law, but not to exceed 40% of the amount outstanding.