University Archives

University Archives

The Colorado State University Archives is the repository of permanent records created by departments, offices, colleges, faculty, and students. Morgan Libraries oversees the archives and records management program, per the Colorado Records Act for Higher Education.

The University Archives and Records Management Program serves the faculty, staff, departments, and other units within CSU by assisting with records management and providing a secure repository for both physical and electronic records of enduring value. Deciding which records have permanent value, and should be retained, and which records have temporary value, and should be eventually destroyed, is the primary goal of records management.

Faculty members’ papers and student organizations’ records document the University’s culture, scholarship, teaching, and other functions. The University Archives seeks to acquire faculty papers and student organization records that captures the history and traditions of the university.

Please contact us if you have questions about our services or wish to donate your collection or departmental records. Use the form below when transferring scheduled records to the archives.

Archives & Special Collections

Morgan Library, Suite 202
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-1019
(970) 491-1844


Mark Shelstad
Head of Digital and Archive Services
Agricultural and Natural Resources Archive
(970) 491-2820