Open Access Publishing for Researchers 

What is Open Access?  

Open Access (OA) is the free, immediate, online availability of research articles coupled with the right to use these articles fully in a digital environment, as defined by the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC).  

There are two ways to make your research open access: 

1. publishing in an open access journal


2. depositing a previously published article in an open access repository. 

The benefits of publishing open access include: 

  • increased visibility to a global audience 
  • generating more citations 
  • retaining copyright over scholarly work 

Open Access Publishing Agreements 

CSU Libraries has negotiated several publishing agreements that enable researchers affiliated with CSU to publish their work open access at no cost. All article processing charges (APCs) are covered under these agreements by CSU Libraries. 


If you have any questions or concerns about these open access agreements or the publishing process, please contact Khaleedah Thomas, Copyright & Scholarly Communications Librarian, at

Publishing Agreements (Fully Covered Charges) 

CSU Libraries will fully pay article processing charges (APCs) on your behalf for the following publishers. 

Publishing Agreements (Discounted Charges) 

CSU Libraries offers discounts on a portion of the article processing charges (APCs) for the following publishers. 

Open Access Initiatives 

Open access is a collaborative, world-wide movement. We support the following open access initiatives: 

DOAJ – The Directory of Open Access Journals, an independent index containing over 17,000 peer-reviewed open access journals 

Knowledge Unlatched – offers a crowd-funding model that enables scholarly content (books and journals) in a variety of disciplines to be freely available. 

SCOAP3 – Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics  

SPARC – A global non-profit advocacy organization that promotes open access, open education, and open data 

Resources for Open Research

More steps CSU authors can take toward equitable, open access research: