Call Number Locations
Do you have your call number?
If you don’t have your call number, go back to the previous screen or find your item in our catalog. In the Find a Copy and Available At sections, you should see:

1. Library Name
2. Collection Name
3. Call Number
Use the table below to locate your collection.
Collection Locations
Collection Name | Where to Find it |
ARCHIVES | 2nd Floor, South |
BESTSELLERS | 1st Floor In front of Library Services Desk |
BOUND JOURNALS A-Z | Basement, South |
CHILDREN’S & YOUNG ADULT | Basement, South |
COLORADO DOCS | Basement, South |
CURRENT JOURNALS | Basement, South |
DOCS OVERSZ | Basement, South |
DOCS POSTER | Basement, West |
DOCS REF | Basement, North |
DOCUMENTS | Basement, South |
ELEC MEDIA DOCS | Storage: Request through Primo |
ELEC MEDIA | Basement, South |
GRAPHIC NOVELS | Basement, West |
LIBRARY SERVICES DESK | 1st Floor, Lobby, Library Services Desk |
MAPS | Basement, West |
MORGAN (A-G call numbers) | 3rd Floor, West |
MORGAN (H-HY call numbers) | 2nd Floor, South |
MORGAN (J-PR call numbers) | Basement, South |
MORGAN (PR-Z call numbers) | Basement, North |
NEWSPAPERS | Basement, South |
OVERSIZE | Basement, North |
REFERENCE | Basement, North |
RESERVE | 1st Floor, Lobby, Library Services Desk Desk |
SPECIAL | 2nd Floor, South |
STORAGE | Request through Primo |
STORAGE HIDENSE | Request through Interlibrary Loan |
STORAGE MICROTEXT | Request through Interlibrary Loan |
VET | Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Room A-236 |